...So I'm driving home with the family last week-end through the little burg of Florence and I see a sign that says 'fabric' and 'vintage' and I new it was my kind if place. Bill and the kids waited in the car while I prowled the delights of this little store in Florence, vowing to come back when I had more time. The coolest thing, tho, was a box of "Kitchen-Klatter" magazines from the late 40's early 50's that were hiding there. They are full of gossip, recipes, household hints, ideas from the farm, etc.. They were produced in Shenandoah, Iowa in conjunction with a radio show by the same name. I love the advice about treading lightly in the hen house to avoid startling the chickens into a molt, or keeping a taffy pulling recipe in plain sight for the young folk to arrange a social event around. Then there was the letter from the lady visiting friends in Rural Louisiana who observed the 'happy sharecroppers and their simple lifestyles'....well it was another era wasn't it. Anyway, I bought a couple of issues and all things considered, it's a fun read. In fact, I've set up a blog to share excerpts from some of the issues I have, and will add more each month as I can. I will keep on open link here on my blog or you can get there directly at www.kitchen-klatter-urbanprairie.blogspot.com